What About Me?

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A Small Town Country Boy Trying To Survive In Todays World

Monday, August 17, 2009

Still Here

Yes I am still here. Health has not been the best for some reason and have had a few attacks from the pancreatitis. But over all things have been fine.
Moving is almost over just a few more treasures to sort through. Man I hate moving but it is something we all have to do from time to time.
So I am just dealing with the different federal and state agencies to try and get the final paper work done so I can go back to school and get some training so I can get back to work. Boy those people sure can wear you out wit the seemingly endless paper work and hoops they make you jump through.

It Is What It Is


Sunday, August 2, 2009


We had a storm come through yesterday. Here is a couple of pictures at my house. Drove around town and we did not get it as bad as others but it was a good one.

Yesterday after the storm on the second picture it looked like a small lake there!

Right now it sounds like a chain saw convention hit town.

It is what it is
